Halfling Fisherman

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A halfling dozes away here, barely visible under a tattered old robe and fishing hat. He occasionally shifts under his rags but pays little mind to anything going on around him.

Keywords: halfling, old, fisherman.
Level: 65.
Alignment: good.
Flags: steadfast.
Affects: sanctuary.


A halfling fisherman is using:
<worn on head>      [Pristine  ] a floppy fisherman's hat


The fisherman is an important factor in the Mauve Mollusc Mukluks Quest.


Area: Halfling's Paradise (Map).

Walking route from Eragora Default Recall: 2s, d, 6e, 2s, 2e, 2s, e, 2s, 4e, 2s, 2e, d, 2e, 3s, 2e, n, w, 3s.

Halfling Fisherman is portable, but beware, halfling fisherman can take you to some very nasty aggie rooms in Moonbay Village. Use full keywords list to be safe.