Hjiuysi The Leather Worker
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This smiling Trog looks happy with the amount of business he's doing today. The table in front of him is stacked with goods, and as you watch, someone buys a leather robe.
Keywords: Hjiuysi.
Level: 70.
Alignment: demonic.
Flags: steadfast.
Affects: infravision.
Hjiuysi the Leather Worker is using: <worn on feet> leather boots <worn on hands> leather work gloves <worn about body> a cheap leather robe
Hjiuysi the Leather Worker is carrying: Nothing.
Area: Igecsoz (Map).
Room(s): Trog Market, Leather Goods (portable).
Walking route from Aelmon: 17s, e, n, d, n, 2e, 4n, w.
Hjiuysi the Leather Worker is portable.