Insurance - protection against equipment loss from a crash.[edit]
Many players have items they consider "special" or hard to get. Nothing can be more frustrating than dying and then having the mud crash, causing you to lose that hard earned equipment. In the past you were able to register up to 7 items to make them eligible for reimbursement. This process required you to contact a Registry Immortal and have each item registered. This registry process is no longer in use; it has been replaced by the automated system of insurance.
Insurance will cover any loss of equipment caused by a crash. It will not cover loss caused by anything else - period. You do not need to contact an Immortal to insure an item. You do not need to contact an Immortal to get the item reimbursed.
There is a charge of 50 gold coins per level of the object being insured, but this fee is currently waived.
The insure command can only be used at three locations:
- The center of Thorngate Square,
- At Aelmon,
- At Nom.
In addition to insuring items and getting reimbursed, you can also cancel the insurance on an item so you can transfer it to someone else (Quest items CANNOT be transferred) or to make room for another item. With the insure command, you can get a list of the items that you have insured, and you can also get information on a specific item.
The requirements for using the insure commands are:
- You must be in one of the specified locations.
- The item must not be owned unless it is owned by you.
- Unless it is a Quest item, you must not have reached the limit for your level.
- The item cannot be Bolts or Arrows.
Any function in the game that affects ANY stat of the item will update the data for that item. If you enchant an item, the new stats (good or bad) will be instantly reflected in the Insured List. If you insure an item that has a finite number of uses (staffs, wands etc) the usage will be instantly reflected. If the item is destroyed when used up, it will be removed from the list.
Additionally, you may only insure a certain number of items. The limit is currently 50 items, regardless of your level. Bound quest items do not count towards this limit.
Items currently registered need to be insured. If you have more items registered than the new limit, you will need to contact a registry Imm for the necessary intervention. If a player exceeds the limit, no new items can be added UNTIL the total of items is less than the limit.
Insurance can be cancelled in order to transfer it to another player or to make room for something more valuable to be insured. Quest items will NOT apply against the limit and quest items will not be able to be transferred - period.
Players can see a list of all items they have insured. They will not be able to see the list for any other player.
Non-quest items that are registered can be saved by alts (actually, by any player). Quest items cannot be saved except by the owner. Items bound to a player cannot be saved by any player other than the owner.