Jar Of Leech Essence
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Old Brort's own secret recipe, brewed from the finest green tea a close friend of his brings him picked from high on Mt Durr.
Level 30 spells of: 'remove curse' 'cause light'
Keyword(s): leech, jar, essence.
Level(s): 4.
Type: Potion.
Quality: 1 hps.
Weight: 20 lbs.
Flag(s): magic, inventory.
The item will cast cause light on you, so you will take a little bit of damage when you quaff it.
See also Suggested Curative Gear
Area: The Orphanage (Map).
Room(s): A dilapidated infirmary
On the ground in the same room as Doctor Leech.
Walking route from Sol: 3e, 2s, 2e, [e], e, [e], n, 2e, s, [s].