Lab Memo From Jungle

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From: Kzinti Science Lab Technician #1273
To: High Priest and Guardian of the Great Portal Temple

Your Honor,

We have finally completed the formula! These many years of work
have at last paid off. Sadly, my test subject was been driven mad by
the experimentation. That is a small price to pay for a serum that
will cure those courageous adventurers who entered the Great Portal
long ago. I am simply waiting for your emissary to bring the final


Kzinti Scientist #1273

Type: ticket
Flags: evil nolocate
Weight 1
level 125
Mob: Kzinti Priest
Area: Savage Jungle

This is one of the tickets used to get the Ceremonial Sword Of The King's Honor Guard.

This gear is on a Kzinti Priest just north of the fountain you quaff to enter the Kzinti Spire Of Knowledge.