Metal Mimic

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This shiny pool of liquid metal ripples and throbs, as if to some unheard music.

Keywords: pool, metal.
Level: 24.
Alignment: demonic.
Flags: steadfast, mimic, aggressive.
Affects: detect hidden, detect invisible, infravision.


Metal Mimic is just what it sounds like - it can and will take on the characteristics (and identity) of you or a member of your party. Additionally, it is aggressive. When you are hogged, it also takes on the hog. If you have a hogged member, have him/her wait (rest) until the fight has begun and the mimic has chosen someone to copy, then the hogged group member should be OK to come in and kill.

In summary - very difficult mob to kill.


Area: Laboratory of Chalmus (Map).
Room(s): The Melting Room