Morgue Command

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The morgue command accepts the following arguments.

MORGUE LIST tells you what items you have stored in the morgue, and when they will become available. This is the only form of the morgue command that can be successfully used outside of a morgue.

MORGUE RETRIEVE recovers an item from the morgue. Note that you can only retrieve your items after a waiting period has expired. There is also a fee associated with this act. See HELP MORGUE COSTS for how the fee & waiting period change with level. For the purposes of calculating this fee, a container counts as a single object.

MORGUE ABANDON removes one of your items from the morgue without recovering it. Abandoned items are PERMANENTLY DELETED! Do not feel obligated to use this command. It is merely provided as a convenience to players who like to feel neat & tidy. Unlike the other morgue commands, abandon requires you to provide the object's serial number (not keyword). This is to ensure that you are certain which item is about to be abandoned. As an added safety measure, the abandon argument requires you to provide your character password.

Type morgue with no arguments for more information.