Quest Point Catalog - Spells
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This prize can be claimed using the Quest Automaton in Midgaard, Stonehall & Thorngate, for other items contact the regular Quest Imm(s). Follow the instructions and directions provided by the Automaton to claim it.
The following spells can be asked for these two QPcatalog items: 65 1 potion of spell X (lvl 1/125, spell lvl 60/125) 125 staff of spell X, 3 (lvl 1/125, spell lvl 60/125 unless noted) Potions: - death shroud - defiled flesh (hp based on char level) - improved invis - intervention - panacea - pardon - shining pennant - solitude - tainted genius Staves: - brimstone - frenzy - pardon Debuff Staves (lvl 1/125, spell lvl 125/250): - fear - unrest - web - dispel magic See also: QUESTPOINTS QPCATALOG QPC-ITEMS QPC-MISC QPC-CHARACTER QPC-CONSUMABLES QPC-SPELLS QPC-GF QPC-AUTO-ITEMS QPC-AUTO-CONSUMABLES QPC-AUTO-CHARACTER