Scorched Note

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Written in an archaic form of kzinti, very little of this note is dechiperable.

"i ton'sth urriureur sthawur echrurhergriry irr urriry irsuchchohersth ouher urohersthirs stho herurkrintrur sthawur chourher o sthawiirs uhersthiuechsth. Skelth iirs urriry urawint uirs, usth sthawur herurirssth urriureur sthawusth irsziii uiry awueur ururn irsour sthirychur o grot uirsirsoechiusthurt isthaw awuun unt sthawuriher irkr unt uruher sthawur inruurnechur o sthaw isthur uiry sthuinsth sthawur tureousth oherirsawich o Sylkaren in ouher sthheroochirs."


"I don't believe the clergy will fully support our efforts to rekindle the power of this artifact. Skelth is fully behind us, but the rest believe that Szi may have been some type of god associated with human and their ilk and bear the influence o th item may taint the devout worship of Sylkaren in our troops."

Type: trash
Flags: glow hum magic
Weight 5
level 125
Mob: Imix
Area: Inferno Peak