Stone Serpent Of Keresh

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The size of a Clydesdale horse, the only part of this statue that makes it less frightening is that is ONLY a statue... that is, until the statue blinks and starts looking at you.

Keywords: statue, stone, serpent, keresh.
Level: 18.
Alignment: demonic.
Flags: steadfast, aggressive.
Affects: detect invis, infravision, sanctuary.


The Stone Serpent of Keresh is using:
The Stone Serpent of Keresh is carrying:
    (Humming) a Stone Tail


This mob is involved in the Stone Serpent Quest.


Area: Ruins of Keresh (Map).
Room(s): At the Serpent's Statue (portable).

Walking route from Aelmon: 16s, 2w, n, 4w, [s], s.

The Stone Serpent of Keresh is portable.