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How to use templates is described in Category:Templates.

This template begins below the horizontal ruler:



Keyword(s): {{{Keywords}}}.
Level(s): {{{Levels}}}.
Type: [[:Category:{{{ObjectType}}}|{{{ObjectType}}}]]. Don't forget to fill in what Category this falls under!
Slot(s): <{{{Slot}}}>.
Quality: {{{Quality}}} hps.
Weight: {{{Weight}}} lbs.
Flag(s): {{{Flags}}}.




Area: [[:Category:{{{AreaName}}}|{{{AreaName}}}]] ([[{{{AreaName}}} Map |Map]]).
Mob(s): {{{MobName}}}

See individual mob pages linked above for more information.


Portaling point suggested: {{{PortalPoint}}}.

How to use this template:

Fill in as many of the variables as you can. Here's some examples:

Variable Function How To Use
Description Full item description. Just copy-paste description. Line breaks should work with <br> tags.
ObjectAffects All item affects. Just copy-paste affects. Line breaks should work with <br> tags.
Keywords Item keywords. Shows up on id: Object: 'keyword1 keyword2 etc'. Copy-paste.
Levels Item level(s). Item level as a number, or when it pops at a range of levels: X-Y
ObjectType The object's type. Just enter the type. It will link where appropriate.
Slot Where the item's worn. Please enter as shown in equipment list, without the <>. E.g. when it's a finger item, enter 'worn on finger'.
Quality The object's quality. Every item has a hp quality. Just enter the number here.
Weight The item's weight. Every item has a weight in lbs. Just enter the number here.
Flags The item flags. All flag types have wiki pages, so remember to put them, individually, between square brackets like so: [[ExampleFlag1]], [[ExampleFlag2]]
Comments Comments about the item. If you have any, place them here. Line breaks should work with <br> tags.
AreaName Name of the area that the mob is in Just the complete area name, template will link to the category page.
MobName Name of the mob the item's on. Because some items are on multiple mobs, you have to link by yourself. Be sure to use the square brackets, example: [[MobName1]], [[MobName2]]. Also, if this is a skin item, include that here.
WalkingRoute The walking route to the mob Be complete. If there's no walking route known, say that. Format: From [[StartingPoint]]: 4e 5n 6d etc etc
PortalPoint The pp to the mob If the mob is portable, say so here. Otherwise, specify a pp, with square brackets [[]], or say there's none.
Category The category of the item What category this piece falls under. Trash, Piercing Weapons, etc.

Don't forget the Template For Gear Pages page, it contains more information on this template.