From Avatar
0 WHO Syntax: who Syntax: who <level-range> Syntax: who <class> Syntax: who <race> Syntax: who <deity> Syntax: who <tier> show all online players from <tier> Syntax: who <flag> Show all players with <flag> set Syntax: who <channel> displays all players with the channel on. Syntax: who version displays version & age Syntax: who tag show all online players with any tag who tag ?<prefix> - or those with a tag starting with <prefix> WHO shows the people currently in the game. WHO without any arguments shows all of the (visible) people currently playing. Any arguments can be combined. For example: who 10 lists all players of level 10 or above who afk imm lists all afk immortals playing who cle 1 5 lists all clerics between levels 1 and 5 Tiers you can 'who' are: hero lord legend titan angel imm Flags you can 'who' are: afk bounty conf fool group hog outlaw reimb timeout zombie Channels you can 'who' are: ask auction buddy chat eslchat grtz joke music newbie quest shout yell