Bronze Snake Armbands

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A pair of twisting bronze snakes form a set of armbands.

Armor class is 8-9.
'sneak' continuous
Modifies armor class by -10 continuous.
Modifies hit roll by 1 continuous.

Keyword(s): armbands, snake.
Level(s): 36-38.
Type: armor.
Slot(s): <worn on arms>.
Quality: 100 hps.
Weight: 3 lbs.
Flag(s): none.


Depending on the difference in ACs of this item and the Legacy Of King Vorin, you may lose 1-3 points of AC for the gain of Sneak and some additional hit by using this item, instead of the Legacy.


Area: Defender's Graveyard (Map)
Mob(s): off-duty guard

pp groundskeeper man, go w, 2s, 3w. Note the entrance to Nocte Abbey is through the closed door to the west in this room.