Armor Values
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Armor-type objects have four values.
- Base Armor Class: This value determines how much this piece of armor will improve its wearer's armor class; this amount will be combined with any amount of AC change caused by its affects flags. This value is a random number based upon each piece of armor's level. A table of selected armor levels with their base armor class ranges is shown at right.
- Shield Charge Type: This value determines, for armor worn as shields only, which type of charges, if any, it carries, which may be either Venom, Flash, Jolt, Frostbite, or Flametongue (or some other type not found on Midgaardia). Few shields have charges by default but they may be given charges using a Charge Shield spell; charge-type level may not exceed shield level.
- Shield Charge Number: This value determines, for armor worn as shields only, how many charges, if any, it carries. This value may not exceed twice this shield's level.
- Archery Affects: This value determines, for armor worn on arms or wrists or hands only, which affect(s) it will have on those who wear it while using melee weapons. These affects may include hindering archery in general or improving accuracy, aimed shots, damage, fleeing shots, held shots, longshots, critical hits, and/or scattershots.
See also Armor.