Leaking Potion Of Dust

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With ever breath of time that slips between the shattered glass shards, the power of the potion decreases. The longer one waits, the less of an affect it will have on the user. Already, the potion is less than half full. That is, of course, if one can believe that the potion has a magical effect; sometimes, when held to the light, it just looks like a pile of dust collected from a forest floor.

Level 1 spells of: 'cure serious'.

Keyword(s): leaking dust potion glass.
Level(s): 16.
Type: potion.
Slot(s): none.
Quality: 1 hps.
Weight: 1 lbs.
Flag(s): evil, magic.


See also Suggested Healing Gear.


Area: Ascension Woods (Map)
Mob(s): Magical Creature.

See Magical Creature for more information.