Scorpion Tattoo

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A picture of a scorpion lies on the ground.

Armor class is 8-10.
Modifies hp by -20 continuous.
Modifies damage roll by 3 continuous.
Modifies hit roll by 3 continuous.

Keyword(s): scorpion tattoo picture
Type: armor
Flag(s): none
Slot(s): <worn on wrist>
Weight: 0 lbs
Level(s): 42-44
Quality: 100 hps



Area: Riddles Of The Sands (Map)
Mob(s): None (in a chest)

Have water breath and fly on
Portal point: Pansho
Walk: e 2s w 3n 3w n 4w s 2w s d w d s w 2n u n w e
Get crowbar, unlock trap, open trap, get arm trap, get tattoo arm

The room is no recall and has no exits, so after you get the arm, you must drink from the pool to get teleported elsewhere if you are unable to teleport on your own. You go to the room A Small Oasis (or something like that), which is uncursed. You can recall or seek Sanctum from there.

Zmud Users: c tele pansho; .e2sw3n3wn4ws2wsdwdsw2nunwe; get crowbar; unlock trap; open trap; get arm trap; get tattoo arm